Essential Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Trying to Get Pregnant
There is no doubting that deciding to start a family is a life-changing decision. You will not only deliver a tiny human to Earth, but you will also be responsible until they grow up. When you’re trying to conceive, you are likely to be overwhelmed with a deluge of information. As a result, it is important to schedule a pre-conception appointment to ask any of your pregnancy questions. It’s important to prepare a list of questions and concerns about becoming pregnant to acquire the most relevant information from the doctor about your circumstances. Contact Parvathi Hospitals in Hyderabad if you wish to speak with a doctor about your pregnancy concerns. They are one of the Best Gynecology Hospital in Hyderabad.
Here are the ten questions to ask your doctor if you are trying to conceive.
How long will it take me to get pregnant?
While your doctor won’t give you specific information because some women conceive quickly, and others take longer. But your doctor can provide you with an estimate. You have more chance of becoming pregnant if you try for longer. Your gynecologist may consider your age, your partner’s age, and any other medical issues to offer you an estimate.
How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?
After you’ve decided to start a family, your doctor may prescribe a few things to help you get started. These include maintaining a healthy weight, tracking your cycle to determine when you ovulate, and having sex every 1 to 2 days throughout your reproductive window. If you don’t have any other medical concerns that could influence your fertility, your doctor may advise you to have sex at the proper time every month.
Should I stop taking the birth pills?
Birth control drugs can wreak havoc on your hormonal balance. As a result, most of the time, you will not be able to get pregnant right after discontinuing the medications. Similarly, if you have an IUD, you should get medical advice on when to remove it.
Will my health conditions affect my fertility?
This is a crucial question to avoid any pregnancy issues. Because specific medical problems can affect your ability to conceive, it is vital to be open and honest with your doctor. These problems are previous STDs, PCOD, and even your partner’s sperm count.
Will my medications affect my fertility?
Many drugs can lessen your chances of becoming pregnant. Therefore you should provide your doctor with a list of your medications so that they can replace them with less hazardous versions or remove them entirely.
Should I take any supplements?
Ask your doctor for advice on any vitamins you might want to start taking in the months leading to your pregnancy. While these supplements may differ from person to person, all pregnant women should incorporate folic acid supplements in their diet to minimize the chance of various birth abnormalities.
Should I consult another doctor?
Obstetrics is the field of pregnancy and childbirth, and not all gynecologists are certified in it. If the matter hasn’t been brought up during previous gynecologist consultations, ask your doctor if they are qualified to deal with pregnancy. If not, seek out local obstetricians for referrals.
Will my medications affect my fertility?
Some medications for high blood pressure and epilepsy can make it more difficult to conceive. Furthermore, several over the counter and prescription drugs may cause harm to the baby if you get pregnant such as NSAIDs, steroids, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and thyroid medication. Discuss any safety concerns with your doctor to switch or refrain from any medicines.
Should I change my lifestyle habits?
Both you and your kid benefit from proper nutrition. Conditions like being underweight or overweight can make it difficult to conceive. They can also cause issues later on, including high blood pressure, diabetes, a C-section, and, in the worst-case scenario, a miscarriage. Inquire with your doctor about any dietary, exercise, or lifestyle modifications you may need to make.
How frequently should we conceive?
You should start having sex two to three times a week during your reproductive window if you want to get pregnant. Having unprotected sex every day during your ovulation time is your best hope. This is a great question to ask because it will guarantee that you mark your calendars appropriately.
Infographic: Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before Trying to Get Pregnant
Consult a Gynecologist to Ask These Questions
You cannot control everything about getting pregnant or being pregnant—but you can do your best to prepare. Preconception consultation is an excellent first step. Book a preconception appointment with a gynecologist from Parvathi Hospitals. They have the best gynecologist in Hyderabad. It is your chance to get the conversational ball rolling with your provider.
What should I eat or not eat?
Experts recommend eating a nutrient-dense and well-balanced diet. Avoid eating undercooked meat, which can be a blocker in getting pregnant. Check with your provider about what to eat and not to eat so you can protect your pregnancy.
Will my age affect my chances of getting pregnant?
Around the age of 35, a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant decrease by 50%. In his mid-40s, a man’s sperm quality begins to deteriorate, limiting his chances of becoming pregnant. This is the most critical factor affecting a woman’s pregnancy.
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